The Greater Mabula Game Reserve is a mature and professionallymanaged wilderness area spanning more than 10 000 hectares. In other words, Mokaikai makes up nearly 25% of Mabula.
The abundant and varied game, birds, trees and grasseson the reserve make it oneof the most sought after reservesanywhere in the region. Therefore, a property in this area is a rare gem indeed.
Limiting the reserve roads to only recognised game drive vehicles has further enhanced the wilderness experience. In addition, this has significantly lessened the human impact on the nature in the area.
The management of The Greater Mabula Game Reserve is done on a pro-active basis with abundant and meticulous rehabilitation of flora, fauna and birds being undertaken; this includes the rehabilitation of the Southern Ground Hornbill, the Red-Billed Oxpecker and extensive bush clearing that happens on an ongoing basis.
Mokaikai is located in a MALARIA FREE area in the heart of the Northern Bushveld Region - at the southern foothills of the Blue Waterberg Mountains - about 45 km west of the bushveld town of Bela Bela. The rainfall season is between October and April, with the highest rainfall on average being measured in December and January.
The vegetation is a majestic mosaic of different plant communities. Therefore, each has their own unique grazing orbrowsing capacities for the various kinds of game.
More than 50 species of wild animals, 300 species of birds and more than 50 species of trees may be found on the reserve. In other words, broadly speaking, the reserve is divided into the following: open veld, tree savannah, mountain veld, open savannah, wet grasslands, mountainous rock and old fields.